Sunday, 15 September 2013


In the bible there are 3,573 promises to every true Christian. In numbers 23;9 it says that God is not a man that he should lie. He’s always true to his promises. Now remember that these promises are for “true Christians” and I may just add here that standing in a garage doesn’t make you a car and neither does going to church make you a Christian. Being the child of a general in the army doesn’t make you a soldier and neither does being born into a Christian family make you a Christian.
His promises are true we just need to walk right to get them.

Friday, 13 September 2013


Death gets the glory he craves every time someone says the good die young cos it’s good for the good to die young in his eyes; it’s called “shock value” the less it’s expected the better he gets at it. Death is a jealous dude, when you fail to think about him the more he remembers you. Your name where you stay, your friends your family, he tends to use the ones you love as pawns in the chess game of life. You can treat life like an air plane if you want to, taking out the autopilot (God) completely and putting it on a full manual override cos you think you know better. I guess some people might just have to die to realize that life is not to be played with. Now I said “sudden”, don’t be surprised if your profile picture is tagged to your obituary cos whether you like it or not death will come maybe not now but it’s inevitable. It doesn’t care whether you are healthy or not it won’t have sympathy on you because you have kids or the only child of your old parents. Because life ain’t nothing but the pre-school for eternity. Death will not hold back because you are in school trying to get a degree and start a career and settle down with a family, no. I know you probably think you will be married with children, I know you think your parents are supposed to die before you, but the fact of the matter is 155,000 people die every day, 6461 people every hour, 108 people a minute and two people every second that means that a clock inside your chest is ticking and only God knows what time it is. Wake up!! Because your ignorance is committing your suicide.
But God is ready to resurrect you from the grave because he resurrected. Death cannot sting those that are covered in Christ’s blood. But for those of you that refuse to believe in the truth, death is playing hide and seek and sooner you may assume that his finger will simply point to you. Now the death I talk about in this last paragraph is not the same as the previous, no the bible never said Christians will not die I didn't see that in my bible but it did say that death will not, cannot hold us captive and of course even the physical death we've talked so much about. He empowered the blood of lambs to shield the Israelites from the spirit of death, now imagine what his own blood can do for those who believe.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013


I’m a girl, 19yrs old, on my way home, car crashes, bones break, body tossed towards the windshield like an acrobatic failed practice only this time with more momentum, skull crushed and tossed about like it’s a vampire ping pong ball, chest heaving in and out like a child overdosing on asthma. My body lay there limp like an aborted foetus ripped from its place temporary of abode and just so you know, by the time you are done reading this, an approximate 210 people must have passed away.
Wouldn't want us realizing the hard way the fact that death, he’s got no age limit and takes no fun in catching up to those who are already expecting his arrival. I mean common now who wouldn't want to have fun with their job huh? Now if you were death will you have more fun taking up the 80 year old preacher on his death bed singing to Jesus about coming home to heaven or the 19 year old girl in the club “dropping it like it’s hot” without a care in the world, oblivious of the fact that she’s five heartbeats away from, four breaths away from, three seconds away from a straight bullet saying hello to her lungs. Looks like life just lost one.

Sunday, 8 September 2013


So of all I heard today in church only this one really stuck. John 3;3 “Jesus answered and said to him, verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born again he cannot SEE the kingdom of God”. And also, john 3;5 “Jesus answered, verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot ENTER into the kingdom of God”.
Notice the difference in the two verses?...the clear prerequisites for seeing and entering…two different things. Pray God helps us not to just see the kingdom like Moses did the promise land but to enter also.
Happy Sunday y’all.

Thursday, 5 September 2013


Whether we like it or not we are at one time or the other tagged with one or even more nick names, some in mockery some in praise. So am like are they good or bad. There’s that teacher, that uncle, that guy, that lady we’ve tagged with one nick name, you’d know if they are happy about it or not from their reactions. Sometimes we actually tend to forget the real name of the person in question. I know a guy whom from the first day I knew him down to this moment I still do not know his actual name. On Facebook, twitter and Instagram he uses his nickname. …#weirdo?#
So the bone of contention is this; are nick names bad? Are they good? Or are they just one of those things that are not really on any side. Now like I said earlier some are in mockery and some in praise. Nick names carry the same strength as names. Children learn from a young age that nick names can hurt. Someone is called a name and their fore head wrinkles and their faces are contorted, shows that they are not happy. This imprints on the mind of that child that you can control someone with nicknames. Sometimes the names are actually pioneered by the bearers themselves, maybe of a celebrity or someone they admire a lot, and some just “funkify” their actual given name
Generally I’d say a nick name is no different from a name. Call a person something nice that’s all that counts.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

24 GOING ON 70

You are young for heaven’s sake! Why are you like this? You talk old, you dress old, you even think old. Ask the old folks; in fact some of them are jealous of your youth. So again, why? There is a time for everything; a time to be young and a time to be old. Every part of our lives is for a particular reason. We must have heard of the sad U turn in life, yeeesh, whoever wants that time to ever come. Young forever that’s what some wish for but common someday you’ll have to sit up to the role of the one with a silver hair.Oscar Wilde once said that youth is wasted on the young, guess he saw how the young folks didn't see the usefulness of their youth. one other guy Stephen Colbert said this "Remember, you cannot be both young and wise. young people who pretend to be wise to the ways of the world are mostly cynics. cynicism masquerades as wisdom, but it is the farthest thing from it. because cynics do not learn anything. because cynicism is a self imposed blindness, a rejection of the world because we are afraid it will hurt us or disappoint us".
 Act young, let your youthfulness show. Dress young, give attention to how you look, let your English be evolved and polished not the old “thou art goodly” kind. But still, looking and being young is a lot different from being stupid.

Sunday, 1 September 2013


Do we mock God? we run to him only in times of trouble? Do we thank him only for the mighty things he has done and forget the little ones that even matter most. Are we only in church when test and exams approach? Do we compromise our faith and logically justify our misdeeds? Do we feel too righteous and look on others as spiritual "learners"? Are we now comfortable with sin and see forgiveness as an unending lifeline?
Answer for yourself and I’ll answer for myself, "do not try to remove the peck in someone’s eyes when you have a log in your eyes" and remember that's it's not so much a good idea to let grace abound cos God is not mocked..                                                    
Happy new month y’all.....