Wednesday, 7 August 2013


There are basically two ways to be the best. You either rise above others or you bring them below your level. Whichever way you get to be “on top”. You know in at the end of most race you hear the past record and the new set record and sometimes it’s done by the same person. That is a perfect example of winning by rising above others. Some people have fully mastered the art of increasing their heights by standing on the shoulders of others. Well I don’t criticise that at all, that is if it is done the right way, I mean if you are going to be standing tall on my shoulder I should as well be able to gain a lot from whatever you see up there. It’s a good thing to stand out but doing it by bringing people down to your level is quite easy but distasteful and most often never stands the test of time because a man with one eye can be king in the land of the blind only as long as he remains the only man with one eye. If I have a rumpled shirt on, there are two ways to correct it; stand next to a mechanic guy who has a dirty and rumpled shirt on or take the long road and do some ironing.
Do not let anyone bring you below their level in other to elevate themselves.


  1. That's the truth of reality, not evaryone gets to be known or celebrated. But I know that those who stays at the background of those lives that have succeded are surely appreciated and recognized later.

  2. that's the way it's supposed 2 b.....but in 2day's world we see d law courts ou hear plenty employees who'v taken dr employers 2 court over this kind of issues....using my idea without referencing or paying me..........

  3. yes bro its soo uncle sued his publisher for selling his yet 2 b published book in another country and according 2 him one of his lecturers in school who worked as an enginner had to leave bcos his boss kept getting all d credit for his work and ideas and did not mention him once or even appreciate him.......pple really use others as ladders to stand tall but let us knw that if that ladder crumbles down you go.

  4. guys guys is just d way life is. Most of d inventors we hear today were just supervisors in d projects....when a breakthrough was made they were d ones recognized and every other person is simply referred to as ''his team''
