Saturday, 14 December 2013


According to Friedrich Nietzsche, “he who cannot put his thought on ice should not enter into the heat of dispute”. Before I start I just want to state that some people are just not cut out for arguments.
While we are social beings and want close relationships, we are also hard wired for survival. Biologically speaking, when we feel threatened we often resort to one of three reflex-like actions in order to protect ourselves from further hurt; fight flight and freeze. Depending on the situation our brains try to determine the most likely outcome of a crisis and assesses if there is enough time to escape, sufficient strength to fight/win or if playing dead is the best strategy to survive.
These actions are not rationally chosen since the brain is forced to almost as a result of external stimuli to fire instantly. No wonder sometimes you throw a reply and almost immediately you realize how stupid you just sounded, so instead of backing down you just go on trying to cover your tracks, some people are honest or should I say humble enough to just accept and shut the hell up.
So now we know the psychological reasons for arguments, lets comedown to the level we relate best on. There is this one guy I know, boy o boy(smh) this guy is just an anti-xavier, like errm an agent from the deepest parts of hell, I mean if I should even say “hey look a green grass” he’ll be like “dude that grass is not green !”. Some people just relish arguments and worse still most of them still loose. And then there are those that always want to turn every argument into a fist fight, don’t blame them though its only human to resort to where your strength lies, so if you have less brains and more muscle, I completely understand.
Arguments especially among young people is good when done within the bounds of sanity and is helpful to both the right and wrong person, it’s the simple reason schools organize debates. To help build confidence in both speech and character. But we all know that the real arguments do not happen in debates, it’s among friends but this needs proper approach and execution.
In relationships, arguments come up but when not handled properly can cause frictions and by “properly handled” it can also mean times you just weakly back out without fighting. So here is a list of simple rules that I follow when arguing;
1. Laugh at all the facts they present .
2. Look for one wrong grammar in their sentence and keep attacking them with it.
3. Attack their physical looks and appearance and call the person names.
4. Claim all their source of data is unreliable and fake my own.
 lol, don’t, what I do try this .
Here is the set of rules I would recommend
1.       Play fair, no name calling.
2.       Don’t change topics or digress.
3.       Don’t get emotional, control your anger and don’t get all “puppy faced” It makes me feel blah blah blah.
4.       Know when to stop.

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